Aces® Bubble Popper for NOOK!

  • Date: April 27, 2011
  • Posted by: Concrete Software

We’re excited  to announce the exclusive release of Aces® Bubble Popper NOOK App for Barnes & Noble NOOK Color™, along with the very popular Aces Jewel Hunt and Pocket Ants games. As was announced yesterday by Barnes & Noble, the company issued a major software update that delivered significant new features and content to its NOOK Color Reader’s Tablet including NOOK Apps, one of the most-requested features from NOOK Color customers. Continue Reading »

Concrete Software Gears up to Play with the Big Boys

  • Date: January 24, 2011
  • Posted by: Concrete Software

The Eden Prairie-based mobile game developer has found its groove after eight years and now it’s ready to accelerate.

In 2003, Keith Pichelman and Mike Lehne left their positions at Digital River to launch Concrete Software and began building games and apps for all different types of mobile devices, including Nokia Series 30 and 40, Palm Pilots and various other J2ME-based phones. Their first big success was Aces Texas Hold’em in early 2004; when sales skyrocketed, they become recognized in the mobile industry to the point that Nextel (pre Sprint) approached them to collaborate on mobile game development.

Check out full press article::

New Release: Aces® Jewel Hunt

  • Date: October 15, 2010
  • Posted by: Concrete Software

Out Now: Aces® Jewel Hunt for BlackBerry.

This addition to the best-selling Aces line offers a unique twist to the standard gem swapping games.

Tumbling jewels and specials like nets, spears, and concrete blocks create opportunities for huge jewel captures and big points. Players can enjoy Aces Jewel Hunt’s unique features with three different game types- Classic, Timed, and Quick Challenge. Optional in-game tutorials and multiple difficulty levels allow users to learn the game and improve their jewel hunting skills. Players can track their progress with tons of statistics for every game type and difficulty level. A sense of online community has been created with daily, weekly, and overall online leaderboards. Continue Reading »

Concrete Software Wins 4 Super App Awards

  • Date: October 1, 2010
  • Posted by: Concrete Software

BlackBerry Partners Fund™ has announced Concrete Software is a Regional Selection winner with 4 different games for the 2010 BlackBerry Super Apps Challenge. This is the third annual BlackBerry Partners Fund Developer Challenge and it is the first to recognize applications based on four different global regions. Continue Reading »

Aces® Cribbage available now!

  • Date: August 10, 2010
  • Posted by: Concrete Software

The best-selling Aces line introduces one of the most popular card games to BlackBerry smartphones, cribbage. It is available for BlackBerry smartphones on the BlackBerry App World and other channels that sell BlackBerry Software.

Aces® Cribbage offers many game options including multiple counting styles, varying game speeds and difficulties levels, and many different background combinations. With so many customizable options users have full control of their game preferences. Daily, weekly, and overall online leaderboards adds a sense of online community for the players of Aces™ Cribbage. Players can learn and improve their cribbage skills with in-game tutorials and card hints. Continue Reading »